Level 2: Four Ikebana Principles Starting Soon
All welcome. If you have not done our level one, please check the details of the course. The course requires some homework to complete.
About Level 2
Newly developed traditional basic styles are introduced 8 times. All basic styles appear to be similar and consist of two or three main branches. Although successful and harmonious basic styles inevitably contain and combine multiple elements and principles effectively at the same time, this curriculum focuses on particular single elements and principles one by one in each lesson.
Level 2 therefore consists of following 8 units, Line 2, Form 2, Space 2, Colour 2, Balance 2, Movement 2, Contrast 2 and Pattern 2. This is to review design theories and to promote their acquisition, with the aim of transferring them to long-term memory that would be useful in creating freestyles in level 3. While a diagram is given at each session, the participants are expected not to just follow it but to analyse the diagram with regard to design theories. If participants are able to make basic styles successfully, it is assumed that they will effectively learn what harmony means in ikebana.