Ikebana Aesthetics Program - Four Ikebana Elements Level 2

Learn about the four Ikebana elements online from July 2022. Beginners welcome. 日本からのご参加歓迎いたします。

Video Tutorial: Please follow our site or subscribe to our YouTube Channel.

When(Melbourne, Australia Time) 
20 July 2024: 9:00 - 9:30 /14:00 - 14:30, Form 2 (Level 2.6)

Online appointments by Smoothbook

FacilitatorsShoso Shimbo & Shoan Lo 

Who can Join: Anyone, regardless of ikebana school, stage of learning or country of residence. Beginners welcome. You must be familiar with Zoom. Sessions will be conducted in English.  Level 2 sessions are fully booked.  We will be taking bookings for Level 3 very soon.  


In Form 1 we focused on a mass of flowers. Let's make a mass using materials other than flowers in Form 2. You can make a mass using materials such as leaves, stems or branches. Realise that a massed from has a new energy that a single material cannot produce. 

Also we are practicing nageire technique introduced in Four Ikebana Elements Level 2.     

So your task is fix naturalistic branches in a poetic (strong or delicate) way using nageire technique, and add a massed form to your branches. The combination of lines and mass should create a poetic contrast.   

You may add some flowers to the combination, but the flowers should not overtake your design this time.   

For more about Form in Ikebana, refer to a short essay, "Introduction to Ikebana Aesthetics" by Dr Shoso Shimbo (available shortly in English & Japanese).

1. Create a single mass in your design using natural materials other than flowers. The mass should suggest a three dimensions shape.

2. Use nageire techniques (use a down-stick) to fix branches. 

3. Make the combination of mass and lines the main feature of your design. 

4. You may add a few flowers to enhance the poetry of your mass. 

5. Master how to create poetry out of the relationship between mass, lines & your container. See our Session Notes for the strategies to create poetry.   

What You Need
1. Secateurs (scissors may be handy too)
2. A down-stick / branch 
3. Container - suitable for nageire.
4. Flower/plant materials: (Flower materials are a guide only. You can choose any similar materials as long as you focus on the topic.)
a. three or four branches 
b. massed form using materials other than flowers 
c. a few additional flowers (optional)

How to Make It / Your Task
You will receive Form 2 Session Notes with step-by-step instructions for making your arrangement after your payment. Our free video and the Session Notes will help you make your ikebana work.  

How to Book & Participate

1. Please visit our Booking Calendar to book. Please check our cancellation policy.  Also please visit our orientation page to find how to use Zoom Ikebana Dojo effectively. 

2. Upon receipt of your payment, you will receive booking confirmation with an invitation link to the Zoom session. 

3. You will receive Session Notes about 5 days before the session. Please contact us if don’t hear from us. 

4. Make your ikebana work before the session. Take a photo of your work (less than 0.5 Meg.) and send to ikebana.dojo@gmail.com at least 24 hours before the session starts if you want detailed feedback.

5. Alternatively, you can share the photo of your work during the session. Find a way to share your file using Zoom.

6. Join the session. Prepare your work and its photo. 

Each person has about four minutes for show and tell, and to receive feedback from our facilitator and other students. Our facilitator will make comments on your photo. Please adjust your work after the session. 

7. Enjoy show and tell by other students before and after your own presentation. Group interaction is helpful for your learning. Works by others can inspire you. 

8. Rework your arrangement soon after the session. Share a photo of your revised work to Ikebana Gallery Facebook Group.  See how to apply for the 2024 Ikebana Gallery Award if you are a student. 

9. If you would like to join Zoom Ikebana Dojo again, please visit our pages on Ikebana Aesthetics Program or Special Program

Additional Sample